Flyt Teamet

Angie Ford

Samarbeidspartner - Angie Ford

Angie Ford

Angie Ford is a mindset trainer and high performance coach driven by a love of working with people. She is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach® via the Coaches Training Institute with over 4800hrs experience. Angie is the founder of the Going First methodology, and believes in sustainable top performance without burnout. Her client list includes world no.1 athletes, CEOs, Entrepreneurs of the Year, national best selling real estate agents, and AFI award nominated actors.

Her client list includes world no.1 athletes, CEOs, Entrepreneurs of the Year, national best selling real estate agents, and AFI award nominated actors. Angie is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach® via the Coaches Training Institute with over 4800hrs experience. Angie believes in sustainable top performance, without burnout. She is the founder of the Going First methodology and has guided many clients to interrupt long standing patterns of perfectionism, performance anxiety, people-pleasing, and imposter syndrome. She understands what it takes to expand comfort zones, and loves working with leaders, individuals and teams who believe in growth, and learning. Her fascination with mindset training and high performance originates from her own sporting background as a national gold medal swimmer. Angie´s honest and playful methods have attracted audiences from the USA, UK, Australia and Scandinavia. Her ability to listen and support, while challenging clients to explore their own self-beliefs, make her a sought after coach and speaker.


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